Incorrect metar bug
I am using 1.6.1 for FSX. Today the metar for PANC is wrong. The following is program's output:

04:36: Auto connect attempt
04:36: SIMCONNECT connection failed
04:37: Auto connect attempt
04:37: SIMCONNECT connection established
04:37: FSUIPC connection established
04:39: 383 METAR reports + 312 GRIB points processed - CYVR added to grid - KSEA added to grid - DAE8
removed from grid because nearby KSEA - PANC still too far away - 73 points in total - 73 new
points created
04:39: Injection mode: all - 73 new stations created - 73 stations injected
04:41: Large simulation position change detected
04:41: Weather Reload
04:46: 156 METAR reports + 311 GRIB points processed - PANC added to grid - EE3F removed from grid
because nearby PANC - KSEA still too far away - CYVR still too far away - 71 points in total -
71 new points created
04:46: Injection mode: all - 71 new stations created - 71 stations injected
04:47: 83 METAR reports + 78 GRIB points processed for DWC - PANC updated - 71 grid points updated
04:56: 83 METAR reports + 78 GRIB points processed for DWC - PANC updated - 71 grid points updated
05:01: Injection mode: ovcgrnd - PANC nearby - 7AS055 - 0 new stations created - 5 stations injected
- 1 repeats
05:04: 83 METAR reports + 78 GRIB points processed for DWC - PANC updated - 71 grid points updated
05:04: ////////////// Nearest METAR //////////////
05:04: PALH 281953Z 18005KT 10SM BKN060 05/M02 A2906 RMK AO2 SLP841 T00501017 + grib aloft 18658
05:04: PANC 281953Z 15006KT 10SM BKN055 BKN150 BKN250 05/M01 A2905 RMK AO2 SLP839 SH DSNT NE-SE
T00501011 + grib aloft 18658
05:04: PAMR 281953Z 05009KT 10SM FEW035 SCT055 07/M02 A2903 RMK AO2 SLP833 T00671017 + grib aloft
05:04: PAED 281958Z AUTO 05012KT 10SM FEW065 06/M01 A2903 RMK AO2 SLP827 T00571011 VISNO RWY24 CHINO
RWY24 $ + grib aloft 18658
05:04: PABV 282006Z AUTO VRB06G16KT 10SM CLR 04/M02 A2907 RMK AO2 SLP853 T00441017 + grib aloft 18781
05:04: PAWS 282016Z AUTO 08012G21KT 10SM CLR 07/M06 A2907 RMK AO1 + grib aloft 18781
05:04: ////////////// Nearest FSX weather //////////////
05:04: PANC: Interpolation: PANC
05:04: PANC: QNH inHg: 29.05
05:04: PANC: Temp: 5
05:04: PANC: Wind: 150/6 - Variance: 0 - Gusts: 0
05:05: ////////////// METAR //////////////
05:05: PANC 281953Z 15006KT 10SM BKN055 BKN150 BKN250 05/M01 A2905 RMK AO2 SLP839 SH DSNT NE-SE

Note that the PANC metar shows a time stamp of 281953Z. That's in the future as the actual time was 0505Z, Feb 28.

At that time the metar from NOAA is
PANC 280453Z 18005KT 10SM FEW008 FEW055 SCT120 M08/M09 A2983 RMK AO2 SLP104 I1000 T10831094

The altimeter settings are quite different in both cases (A2905 vs A2983).

Nevermind. The time option needs to be 'current' instead of 'sim'.

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