Wind Changes
Hey, I just wanted to ask. My winds ingame seem to be a little weird. They seem to change drastically and when doing a flight yesterday at a airport that had hardly any wind (so google said) i took off and then the winds just went insane. I was not sure if this was a bug or if its how fsxwx does turbalance. Loaded it up just a few mins ago at Stansted airport which has light rain with 18mph winds.
The fsxfx client was spot on but the wind changes i just found a little od. When doing this at cruise level it causes my speed to just zoom up and down i can go from doing 270knts to 320 in a matter of microseconds then down to 220knts it just seems weird to me.
I followed all the p3d install settings on the setup page.

Just to add. My fsxfx settings are all default and ticked.

Just thought id try every setting turned too 0.0 in the DWC and options turned off. If anything the winds went even more insane.
dont worry. Bought AS16 instead,
Thanks for your wonderful support.

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