FSUIPC connection failed

I have a problem with starting FSXWX the first time under FSX-SE.
I freshly installed FSX, then the latest FSUIPC, but when I click Connect in FSXWX client, it says simconnect connection established, fsuipc connection failed.
Every single time, no matter if I reinstall everything, it can't connect. I followed the guideline to install all the separate files for fsxwx, fsuipc also installs successfully into FSX-SE, but still no connection.
Fsuipc is unregistered by the way, I don't know if that could be the problem.

What else should I try?
Hm, strange. Some things in general:
* all separate files for FSXWX does not have anything to do with the FSUIPC connection
* there should be no difference whether to use the registered or unregistered version of FSUIPC

Which version of FSUIPC do you use?
I use the 4.939j version, that is the latest, downloaded from its website.

I forgot to mention, but right now I have both the retail version of FSX and the FSX-SE installed, but fsuipc is seemingly working under both versions and so far I have not encountered any issues with having two FSX installed on my computer at the same time.
But could this be a problem? I planned to uninstall completely the old FSX version, so I might do it now.
Ok, I solved it.
I had to delete every files of Fsuipc from the modules folder and reinstall it completely, and now FSXWX finally can connect. There were possibly some outdated .key and .ini files for fsuipc, and the different versions caused the problem.
Ok, thanks for investigating and solving the problem by yourself!
I have the same issue regarding "FSUIPC connection failed. 
FSUIPS is version7 and seems to work with my FSX-SE version.
Could you help ?
Thank you in advance

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